Located on the north end of campus, Campus Heights offers a quiet retreat from campus. There are 30 apartments in Campus Heights, comprised of a selection of two bedroom and efficiency (no separate bedroom) apartments. There are two apartments that meet accessibility requirements, please inquire at the Residence Life office.
2024-2025 Campus Heights Rates
Efficiency: $525 per month
2 Bedroom: $735 per month
Quick Facts
Efficiency/1 Bedroom: no more than 2 occupants
2 Bedroom: no more than 4 occupants
Efficiency: Approx. 351 sq. ft.
2 Bedroom: Approx. 619 sq. ft.
- Electricity, water/garbage, heat
- Free Laundry
- Internet
- Full Kitchen
- 24-hour staff availability
- Card Lock Access
- Security Cameras
Air Conditioning: Not Provided. Tenants can put in an A/C unit can no bigger than 8000 BTU and have dimensions no wider than 24 inches.