
The Department of Fine and Performing Arts offers more than 25 endowed scholarships totaling over $100,000 in awards each year. Awards are given for the year following the audition and are available to music majors, music minors, music concentrations, and ensemble participants. All scholarships are renewable for up to five years.

Scholarship Auditions
Live auditions and interviews will be held on the following dates:

  • November 1, 2024 (for participants in Northwest Festival of Music)
  • December 7, 2024
  • February 15, 2025

Virtual auditions and interviews are available by request. 

To Apply for a Scholarship:

  1. Apply to MSU, qualifying you for MSU academic awards. 
  2. Complete the Music Scholarship Application
  3. Contact Dr. David Rolandson, Department Chair to request an audition/interview date: 
  4. Contact the professor in your area of performance to assist in preparing your audition repertoire. 
  5. If requesting a virtual audition, submit links to video no later than one week before your scheduled interview. Send video links to

Tips for a successful audition: 

  • Work with the professor in your area of performance to choose appropriate audition repertoire, etudes, scales, etc. 
  • Schedule a lesson with the professor in your area of performance. 
  • If your repertoire has a piano accompaniment, arrange for a pianist to perform with you, or request an audition pianist from MSU at no charge. Rehearsal times will be made available for those requesting this service. 
  • Prepare to answer questions from the faculty about your musical activities, goals for college music study, and career aspirations. Prepare a couple of questions you have about music study at MSU.  
  • Arrive to the audition site early to warm-up and prepare to perform your best! 

Questions about the scholarship audition process? Email Dr. David Rolandson at or call our office at 701-858-3185.

The Comedy/Tragedy Freshman Scholarship
We look for students with the theatre bug and a sincere desire in maintaining that love. Each year we offer a number of $500 awards to eligible incoming MSU freshman with more than a passing interest in theatre.

Who is eligible and how do I apply?

  • We are looking for high school graduates who have participated in a variety of performance activities on the secondary level, and who show promise in theatre.
  • Apply for the Comedy/Tragedy Freshman Scholarship by filling out the online application form by April 15.
  • You may be asked to participate in an interview process.

What do I have to do to maintain the scholarship

  • You must be a full time student at Minot State University.
  • You must declare a Theatre Arts Minor for the academic year you receive the award.
  • You must audition and/or participate in all mainstage theatre productions during the academic year.
  • While on scholarship you must register for one 3-credit theatre course a semester.
  • You must maintain a 3.00 GPA.
  • You must agree to the above in writing.

For more information, call Sarah Belfrage Honerman at (701) 858-4493, or email her at


Looking for more scholarship opportunities? Apply for scholarships awarded by the Financial Aid Office. In addition, the Alumni Association offers scholarships, for which the criteria and application can be found at their website.

» List of individual music scholarships