Alcohol and Other Drug Information
ATOD Mission
The mission of the Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD) Committee is to educate students about the potential negative consequences of drug and alcohol use and/or abuse. Through innovative programming, peer education, campus outreach, and community collaborations, the ATOD Committee serves to create a harm-free environment in which students can achieve their academic goals and acquire skills necessary for life-long success.
ND State Amnesty Law
North Dakota has a medical amnesty law for alcohol-related emergencies. ND Century Code states: "An individual under twenty-one years of age is immune from criminal prosecution under this section if that individual contacted law enforcement or emergency medical services and reported that another individual under twenty-one years of age was in need of medical assistance due to alcohol consumption, provided assistance to the individual in need of medical assistance until assistance arrived and remained on the scene, or was the individual in need of medical assistance and cooperated with medical assistance and law enforcement personnel on the scene. The maximum number of individuals that may be immune for any one occurrence is five individuals.
- Biennial Review 2024 [pdf]
- ACHA NCHA Spring 2024 [pdf]
- MSU Drug Free Campus Policy [pdf]
- MSU Student Code of Conduct Policy
- Housing Policy [pdf]
- ND Drinking Laws
- Individuals in the state of North Dakota must be 21 years of age to buy, possess and/or consume alcohol. Person(s) providing alcohol to individuals under the age of 21 violate state law and may be cited for contributing to the delinquency of a minor among other possible citations depending on the circumstances. There are other important state laws and local rules relating to alcohol including driving under the influence (DUI) and open container. Under North Dakota statute, for a first DUI offense, violators are fined at least $500 and are ordered to have an addiction evaluation. Individuals with blood alcohol levels over 0.16 will be fined up to $750 and may spend two days in jail.
- The North Dakota Century Code prohibits driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor or controlled substances. State Law also prohibits open containers of alcohol in vehicles.
- More information [pdf]
- Minot City Ordinance (Smoking) [pdf]