College of Business Looyenga Leadership Institute
The leadership institute in the College of Business will create growth opportunities for CoB students to develop:
- Self-Awareness (Seminar #1)
- Developing a keen sense of self-awareness is the first stage of leadership development. Students will develop a deep understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, needs, drives, values, motivators, and behaviors through validated and recognized assessment instruments.
- Self-Management (Seminar #2 and Student Engagement)
- Based on the assessments completed in Seminar #1, students will be guided through interpretation and goal setting, and will explore links between self-awareness and leadership.
- Social Awareness (Student Engagement and Senior Leadership Course)
- Students will be provided opportunities to engage, experience, and explore their self-management and social-awareness skills. Through a number of formats (presentations, service fairs, etc.), students will select service projects in which to participate and learn about and practice leadership.
- Relationship Management (Senior Leadership Course)
- In a formal classroom environment, such as a capstone course (Special Topics in Leadership), students will engage in team activities that require them to assume roles designed to stretch and hone their abilities to value others. These role playing and other activities will expose students to ethical, social, and moral dilemmas requiring critical thinking, ethical decision making, and other problem solving skills. Under the guidance of a senior leadership faculty member, the course would also engage leaders from the community and known leadership experts.
The leadership institute funds are provided by Roger Looyenga (class of 1969) and the Edson and Margaret Larson Foundation.