There are two types of grade appeals for the Student Rights Committee: requesting a late drop/withdrawal (essentially requesting a W instead of an F grade) or requesting a higher grade. Appeals to the Student Rights Committee must be in writing. The burden of proof is on the student.
What to include in an appeal:
A Student Rights/Grade Appeal eForm [ eForm in Campus Connection] with the following attachments:- A written explanation or letter
- Documentation of the extenuating circumstances (for example, a letter from a physician in the case of a serious illness)
- An email from the instructor stating if they support the student's request (when requesting a W grade)
A completed Grade Appeal Form with documentation of instructor and chair decisions (when requesting a higher grade)
Information to provide in the appeal letter or explanation:
- What are you specifically asking to be done?
- Why do you feel this would be appropriate?
- What documentation is included to support your points?
Appeal for a Late Drop/Withdrawal
The Student Rights Committee reviews what is provided from the student, so it is extremely important that the student is clear, complete, and specific in the letter or explanation. Students can only request a late drop/withdrawal for courses with posted F or U grades.
Additional information to provide when requesting a late drop/withdrawal:
- Why did you not drop the class on or before the drop date?
- In case of illness or other serious problems, why did you not pursue the hardship drop option before the end of the semester?
- If you ask for only some classes in a semester to be considered and not others, why are you leaving the others out?
- Why do you feel it is necessary to drop/withdraw from classes in more than one semester?
- If more than one semester has passed since the grade(s) were posted, why did you wait to appeal them until now?
Appeal for Higher Grade
As outlined in the catalog under Grade Appeals Procedures, students must first appeal to their course instructor, then the chair prior to appealing to the Student Rights Committee because both the instructor and chair have the authority to change the student's grade. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the instructor and chair course grade review, the student may request the case be reviewed at a formal hearing by the Student Rights Committee.
General Procedures
- No member of the Committee who has a personal interest in the particular case may sit in judgement during the proceedings.
- Students are asked to submit their appeal and supporting documents in writing.
- The Committee's decision is final and cannot be appealed to other individuals or committees on campus.
- The Committee will notify the student of their decision, in writing, within fourteen (14) days of the meeting/hearing.
Hearing Procedures
- The Committee shall allow an initial presentation by the student and then by the instructor involved, during which other witnesses may be called.
- Both the student and the instructor shall have the right to be present during the presentation of any testimony before the Committee.
- The student shall be given every reasonable opportunity to present their case, time permitting.
- The student, instructor, and the Committee each shall have the right to be assisted during committee proceedings by an advisor or other counsel who may observe the proceedings and advise their party.
- Committee hearings shall be closed to all but the parties involved.
Student Rights Committee
The Student Rights Committee will not review courses that have already been excluded from a student's GPA because they have been repeated. The decision of the Student Rights Committee is considered final.