Student Travel
The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs has limited funds available to partially support the travel of current undergraduate and graduate students who are:
- presenting research/creative activities at conferences and meetings (e.g., oral presentation, poster presentation);
- traveling to participate in an academic competition; or
- traveling to participate in other academic-related events (e.g., field trips).
In order to qualify for this support, students must be presenting, competing, or actively participating at a recognized meeting, competition, or other academic function in their discipline or field of creative activity. Simply attending a conference does not count as active participation. In addition, applicants must first seek funding from departments and include the additional funding sources and amounts on the Student Travel Request Form. Students must be an enrolled Minot State student during the time of travel. Travel for international study tours and study abroad is not eligible for these funds.
Note: Funding requests are limited to one request per fiscal year up to $1000 per student. All student travel and related reimbursements must comply with Minot State University's policies.
Deadlines: Deadlines: Requests must be submitted at least two weeks prior to travel and will be reviewed as they are submitted. Funds are available on a first-come, first-serve basis for the current fiscal year (July 1-June 30).
Please complete Student Travel Application to apply for funding.
If your travel application has been funded, please complete and submit the student travel forms. All forms should be submitted to Celeste Simmons in the office of the VP for Academic Affairs prior to spending money or traveling.
Please note: Generally, students who are not U.S. citizens (or RA-resident aliens for tax purposes) may be required to pay federal taxes on any university money that is awarded for travel. This may include, but is not limited to, scholarships, fundraising, memberships, club dues, departmental, and/or Student Government Association funding. Please see the document at the link for more information.
Due to an overwhelming number of requests, the student travel application is currently closed.
To apply for funds for the 2024-2025 academic year, please complete the application at the link below.
Please complete the student travel application at THIS LINK. You will need to log into your NDUS account to complete the application.
If your travel application has been funded, please complete and submit the following forms. All forms should be submitted prior to spending money or traveling. Contact Celeste Simmons in the office of the VP for Academic Affairs with questions.