Title IX Reporting Responsibilities
As a member of the University community, you may be approached regarding an incident of sexual misconduct. If this occurs, it is important to listen to the individual's concerns, offer support, and connect them to the appropriate resources. If you have Title IX reporting responsibilities, you are required to provide notification of a disclosure of sexual violence, intimate partner violence, and stalking to the Title IX coordinator.
If the situation is an emergency, please call 911 or Campus Security at 701.500.2423.
Who has Title IX reporting responsibilities?
All employees of University (including student employees), with the exception of those who are designated as Confidential Resources, are Mandated Reporters and must promptly share with the Title IX Coordinator (or designee) all known details of a report made to them in the course of their employment.
What is the purpose of Title IX reporting responsibilities?
Ensures that individuals consistently receive accurate information about the resources and options available from a trained person in a position to assist them.
- Provides individuals with access to support measures to address any emerging or ongoing challenges.
- Enables the University to proactively address any community safety concerns, including patterns of possible sexual harassment or other sexual misconduct.
Regardless of your reporting requirements, only a victim can decide if they want to participate in the criminal justice process or the judicial process on campus. There are many reasons why a victim may choose not to report the incident to authorities. These are many reasons why a victim may choose not to report the incident to authorities. These reasons may include, but are not limited to:
- feelings of shame, guilt, and or self-blame
- fear that no one will believe them
- fear of retaliation from the perpetrator
- reluctance to repeat personal and traumatic details of the incident to authorities
- history of mistrust of law enforcement and other authorities
- reluctance to go through a criminal or judicial process
- fear of parents finding out and removing them from school
- not wanting the perpetrator to "get in trouble"
The victim's decision not to report the incident must be respected. Remember that when a person is sexually assaulted, their sense of control has been taken away. To regain that control, it is important that they make decisions that affect their life.
Are there other reporting obligations that community members should be aware of?
In addition to requirements under Title IX, some University faculty and staff may also be required to provide information to a “Campus Security Authority” under the federal Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990, Public Law 101-542, as amended to the Clery Act of 1998. If you have questions regarding the Clery Act or your role as a mandated reporter, please contact Campus Security.