Minot State University strives to promote a welcoming environment for pregnant and parenting individuals.Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a Federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex—including pregnancy and parental status—in educational programs and activities.The Title IX Office address concerns about discrimination related to these statuses and offer services to pregnant and parenting individuals. If you have concerns about discrimination based on pregnant or parenting status, please reach out to the Title IX Coordinator.
For pregnant individuals without medical complications who are interested in discussing accommodations that may be available, students may contact the Title IX Coordinator and employees may contact their supervisor and/or Human Resources representative. Pregnant individuals with medical complications or who are experiencing related medical conditions may contact Access Services (students) or the Office of Human Resources (staff and faculty).
As needed, Minot State must provide accommodations to pregnant students and those recovering from childbirth. These accommodations can take several forms, including: excusing absences, providing reasonable adjustments to the regular program, allowing students to make up missed work, and allowing students to return to the same academic and extracurricular status as they had before any pregnancy or birth-related absence began.
Minot State must also make reasonable modifications to policies, practices or procedures; and must provide adjustments, aids, and services to students with disabling conditions, including conditions arising from pregnancy or recovery from childbirth. Students who need assistance with academic adjustments related to pregnancy or childbirth may contact the Title IX Office to learn about your options. Faculty and staff should contact Human Resources learn about workplace adjustments, family medical leave, and other options that may be available.
Minot State University recognizes and respects the need to accommodate lactating mothers.
The Mama Beaver Dam, an ADA portable lactation suite, features two handicap accessible benches, a fold-down table, and power outlets, providing a safe and comfortable space to pump or nurse. The extra bench allows for children to accompany their mother in the pod.
The pod is open to students and visitors at Minot State. To use, mothers simply need to download the Mamava app. The Minot State location will pull up to view and show if the unit is vacant or occupied. The app also functions as the key to unlock the pod when vacant.
The suite is currently located in the atrium of the Student Center.
Students in need of pregnancy or birth-related accommodations, modifications, adjustments, aids, or services are encouraged to reach out to Access Services as soon as possible. From there, Access Services staff members will set up a meeting to determine accommodation needs with Access Services. Together, students and Access Services work closely to implement accommodations and achieve equal access.
Students alleging discrimination or retaliation should reach out to the University’s Title IX Office
Request for accommodations
Kelli Sem
Access Services Coordinator
Office: Access Services is located on the lower level of the Gordon B. Olson Library as part of the Academic Support Center
Email: access.services@minotstateu.edu
Phone: 701.858.3372