Information for Current Students


SLL Login


When logging in for the first time -
  •  Enter your Email - Example:
         * NOT please note that everyone does have a email - it has the same username as your email
  • Click Forgot Password
  • Re-Enter your email in the "Lets find your account" box that appears. 
  • Login to your campus email and check for a password reset link. 



Which email do I use?
If SLL asks you for an email address at any time, you must use and NOT

Logging in the First Time
PDF Directions



  1. Login to SLL. Click Gateways on the left-hand side. Click into your Licensure Plan (example: Licensure Plan for F21 ECE). Navigate to the Admission Gateway.   

  2. Reading, Writing, and Math Competency Section - You must provide proof you have appropriate General Knowledge in Reading, Writing, and Math. Those requirements are listed on the second page of the 'Admission to TEU Directions and Advisor Sign-off Form' below. Upload PDF proof for each of your Reading, Writing, and Math Competencies in this section. Make sure you upload all documents, before pressing Submit for Review. 

  3. NDBCI Background Check Section - Upload a PDF of the email you received from Deb Ringham in regard to your most recent background check.  A PDF of your Substitute Teaching license also qualifies. If you need assistance with the background check, see Deb in Swain 218.

  4. Advisor Sign-off Form Section - You and your advisor should go through the steps on this form and verify all have been completed. You and your advisor need to sign this form at the bottom. Once signed, you can upload this form to SLL.
  5. Admission Application Section - After you have completed the Steps above - Fill out the Microsoft Form located here -
    Once you have completed the Microsoft Form, click the Acknowledgement Box and press Submit for Review. 

If you have questions or issues with any of the above steps, contact Teresa Witteman in Swain 218.  If you have a documented disability and do not qualify for admission, and please contact Dr. Lisa Borden-King.



Admission to TEU Directions and Advisor Sign-off Form

Course Substitution Request Form

Request for Appeal from Probation or Suspension from Teacher Education Program Form



How do I find my GPA?
Detailed instructions can be found here.

How do I get Re-Admitted to Teacher Education Unit?

  • If a candidate was dropped from Teacher Education for failure to enroll for a semester, the candidate must meet with his/her advisor and be recommended for reinstatement by his/her advisor and the department chair.
  • If a candidate was dropped from the program for other reasons, he/she must go through the full admissions process, but will not be required to duplicate relevant items from the first admission.

What if my GPA isn't high enough?
Students who have met all other requirements for Admission to Teacher Education and do not hold an overall GPA of 2.50, but do demonstrate 3.00 GPA in their last 45 semester hours of study, may petition for special review by TEAC for admission to Teacher Education. Students granted admission by TEAC under this provision must demonstrate an overall GPA of 2.50 prior to Student Teaching.

Students who do not meet the cumulative GPA are also allowed to file an appeal to TEAC and submit a GPA calculation that counts only courses required for the full four-year degree (including general education courses). Students must upload the paper with the advisor's re-calculation on it with this application.

If Necessary, Recalculated GPA Information and paperwork must be uploaded in the Advisor Form Section in SLL.

Clinical Placements will be based off of information submitted on the Microsoft Forms below. 

All Students enrolled in these Clinicals must complete appropriate form below, even if you have already completed the hours or are in the Para to Professional program.


ED 221L Clinical Form  

ED 260L Clinical Form

ED 282L Clinical Form

ED 284L Clinical Form

ED 321L Clinical Form

ED 323L Clinical Form



*If you are having trouble accessing the Clinical Forms, please try opening your MSU Email in a web browser and then clicking the links.  The forms are only available for people in the NDUS system, and you must be logged in for the link to work.  Chrome or Edge are recommended browsers.

Please email if you are continuing to have issues after addressing the above issues. 

Teacher Candidates must complete 2 separate background checks while at MSU.  The first must be completed before participating in any clinical experience, and the second before Student Teaching.

The background checks are processed differently and directions for each are below. 

If you have more questions, please contact Deb in the Teacher Advisement and Field Placement office in Swain 218 or at



Do I need a background check for my clinical experiences? 
Yes, before you enter a school or work with kids for your clinical experiences you will need proof of a background check.   


How do I get fingerprinted for a background check? 
Stop by Swain 218 and ask for Deb Ringham.  She will give you the fingerprinting cards and paperwork and explain the process.  There are lots of very specific rules and directions so please read everything carefully. It will help to tell her why you are getting a background check.  If you are just starting your program at MSU, you want the BCI background check.  If you are getting ready to student teach or are getting your substitute license, you want the ESPB/BCI background check.  The paperwork and procedures are different for each!  A video explaining the procedure for getting fingerprinted for both experiences is above 


How do I make an appointment for MSU Security? 
You will need to contact Deb.  They can only do 3 students per hour so your paperwork needs to be done when you go over there.   


Once I give Deb the paperwork for my background check, how long does it usually take to get the results?   
The Bureau of Criminal Investigation (for clinical experiences) usually sends the results to Deb in about 3-4 weeks.  Once she gets confirmation, she will send you an email.  ESPB/BCI (for student teaching and substitute licenses) background checks take a little longer and the results will get sent to your email directly.   


What do I do once I get that email? 
Please make a PDF of Deb’s email to you and put it in your gateway in SLL.   


I can’t find the email that Deb sent.  What do I do?   
Deb’s official campus email starts with Deborah so search through your old emails for that.  If you can’t find it, please email her ( and ask her nicely to send it to you again.  Then put it in SLL right away! 


I can’t find the email that ESPB sent.  What do I do? 
If you have your substitute license you can put that up in your gateway in SLL.  If not, you will need to contact ESPB and have them re-send it (  


Do I have to wait for the confirmation in order to start my clinical experiences 
Yes, we have assured our school and community partners that everyone who works with children has been cleared so you may not start the experience until the background check comes back.  


What if I got a background clearance for my job or volunteer activity?  Do I need another background check? 
If you are working a daycare, camp, coaching young children, or working with children with disabilities, and the job you have requires a background check, you may ask your supervisor to email and say “(your name) is employed by (name of the organization) as a (insert your job title) and a background check is required for employment.” 

Deb will then email you confirmation of this and you can put Deb’s email into the gateway in SLL.   


Can my employer just send the confirmation of my background check to me? 
No, they are legally not allowed to release the information to anyone, even you.  Please don’t ask them to do that and please don’t put that paperwork into SLL.  


If I got a background check for my job at a retail store can I use that? 
No, the background check must be associated with working with children or a vulnerable population.   


How long does the initial background check through BCI last? 
Your initial background check will last for all of your clinical placements until your student teaching placement.  When you student teach you will need another background check that goes through ESPB, our licensing board for ND.   


Can I just get an ESPB background check right away?   
The ESPB background check only lasts for 18 months and must cover you through the last day of your student teaching.  If you are close to student teaching, you might consider getting a substitute license which will last for two years and can be renewed.  This is a different set of fingerprinting cards and paperwork, so make sure you ask for this specifically when you talk with Deb.

MSU Student Candidates who are student teaching must carry Liability Insurance.  Insurance is available through two different carriers - SNDU or NDShape.  Information on each option is available at their respective websites below.



NDShape - Select Student Option


Trauma Sensitive Schools (TSS) Training prepares future teachers to work with the wide diversity of students and colleagues who have faced trauma in their lives.  The Modules are required for All BSE and Pre-BSE Students, with the exception of SPED Students.  

Trauma Sensitive Training Sign Up Sheet




When are the trainings held?
TSS is offered twice every semester.  The day before classes start and on Assessment Day. 
Module 1 - 9-11 am
Module 2 - 1-3 pm
Module 3 - 9-11 am
Module 4 - 1-3 pm
Module 5 - offered during your student teaching seminar

How do I access the Trainings?
All Trainings are done via Zoom.  Links to the Zoom Meetings are sent out generally between 8:00 and 8:30 the morning of the training.  

I didn't get a link the day of training?
Contact Teresa in the TEU office if you have not received a link by 8:50 the day of the training - or 701-858-3028.

Can I do the modules out of order?
No.  the Modules must be completed in numerical order.  

Can I complete more than one module in a day?
It is not recommended to complete more than one training in a day, particularly the later Modules.  Some of the information can be difficult for some.   

How do I prove I attended?
You will receive an email confirmation within a week of completing a module.  You will need to save that email as a PDF and upload it into SLL.

I'm a Senior and wasn't able to complete the training.  What do I do now?
There is a book you can read.  Fostering Resilient Learners: Strategies for the Trauma-Sensitive Classroom.  
The book is available in the MSU Library or can be ordered at most bookstores.  
You may write answers to one of the questions at the end of each chapter and email your answers to Teresa ( in the TEU office.  She will email you a completion email within a week.  You will need to save that email as a PDF and upload it into SLL.

Teacher Candidates who are having trouble with any aspect of TEU Admission can request Permission to Enroll in TEU Restricted courses.  If you would like Special Permission to Enroll in one of these restricted TEU courses, please fill out the form at the link below.  The form should be filled out accurately, truthfully, and with as much detail as possible. 



Fall 2024 Form

Spring 2025 Form 




Which courses require admission to Teacher Education Unit?
ED 322
ART 390
BIT 391, 421, 423
ED 440, 441L
ELED 352
ELED (Block) 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, SCI 426
ENGL 390
KIN 340, 391
LANG 390
MATH 381, 391
MUSIC 390, 391, 392, 397
SCI 391
SPED 340, 441, 442, 444, 494, 498
SS 391 398

When should I fill out the form?  
Before your registration date for classes. For Fall or Summer Semesters, late March. For Spring Semester, late October.

What happens after I fill out the form? 
TEAC will discuss your answers at their next meeting and either approve or deny your request. If you are approved - you will receive an email letter with detailed instructions on how to register for your requested class(es). If you are denied, you will receive an email stating the reason. 

Common reasons for denial - 
1) not having a completed background check 
2) not having specific plans for getting help or improving GPA
3) not having required information uploaded into SLL  
4) not having scheduled dates for taking CASE Tests

What if I don't have a date set to take or retake my Praxis Test?
TEAC generally asks for a specific date and not stating that date will delay your request. If you have a reason for not scheduling a test, please explain in detail your plan and reason for not having a date.

I have retaken the test(s) multiple times and am having trouble passing. What do I do?
Check with your advisor, The Academic Support Center ( ASC), or the Teacher Education Department about getting help. Taking the tests without help is expensive, stressful, and not generally recommended. ETS also offers test prep resources here.

I'm having trouble paying for the tests. Where can I go?
Information about Praxis Fee Waivers is available here 
If you receive VA Benefits, you can also check with Andy Heitkamp in Model Hall.

Remember - Misrepresenting information is a violation of MSU's dispositions and the Model Code of Ethics.


If you have other questions, please reach out to - 
Teresa -
Deb -


 MSU Student Candidates are required to take specific testing to be licensed in North Dakota.  Those tests are done through ETS/Praxis.  Information on testing requirements can be found here


ETS Account Sign In Page



Upcoming CASE Practice Sessions - 

 - No scheduled sessions at this time, check back frequently for more information.



FAQ's about the Core Academic Skills for Educators Tests (CASE Tests)

What are the tests? 
Sometimes called CASE Tests, Core Tests, or Praxis 1 Tests - They are a basic skills tests covering mathematics, reading, and writing. The ND State Teacher Licensing organization - ESPB - requires these tests.

When should I take them?
It is recommended you complete the CASE Tests in your first year of study at MSU.  Starting Fall 2022, all students must show that they have attempted at least one test. 
We do not recommend putting the tests off. The test are currently required for admission to TEU, and you cannot student teach without being admitted to TEU. 

Where can I get help prepping for the tests?
Check with your advisor, The Academic Support Center ( ASC), or the Teacher Education Department about getting help. Or check out the Prepare for Your Test Section on the ETS website. 

How do I sign up?
Step by Step directions are available here.

How do I take the tests?
Tests can be taken in the MSU Testing Center Tuesdays at 9, Wednesdays at 1, or on a Saturday once per month.  Tests can also be scheduled to be done in your home, but you must have a place you wont be disturbed, and have access to a camera and microphone on your computer.  Students who need accommodations usually have to schedule tests in Bismarck. 

Can I take all three tests in one day?
It may be cheaper for you to take all three tests in one day, but we ONLY recommend that if you are a good test taker and received a Composite ACT score of 25 or above. 

Can I use accommodations during the test?
If you currently have test accommodations in place through MSU Access Services due to a disability, you can and should use them for the tests. If you don't have test accommodations set up through Access Services, but you had extended time or special conditions for tests during high school, we recommend you visit with Access Services.

What if I fail?
If you don't meet the minimum score on a single test, or need more total points, you can take one or more of the tests over again. If you are having trouble passing any or all of the tests check with your advisor, The Academic Support Center ( ASC), or the Teacher Education Department about getting help. Taking the tests without help is expensive, stressful, and not generally recommended. ETS also offers test prep resources here.

I'm having trouble paying for the tests. Where can I go?
Information about Praxis Fee Waivers is available here.
If you receive VA Benefits, you can also check with Andy Heitkamp in Model Hall.

What are the testing requirements in each state?
Information on testing requirements can be found here.

General Education Requirements (39 - 42 cr)

Core Courses for all Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S.Ed.) Majors (31 to 46 credits):
(*indicates courses requiring admittance to Teacher Education)

  • SPED 110  Introduction to Exceptional Children (3)
  • Elect one of the following (3)
    • PSY 252 or PSY 255 for ELED and ECE majors
    • PSY 255 or PSY 352 for secondary majors
  • SS 283  Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in America (3)
  • ED 260  Educational Psychology (2)
  • ED 260L  Clinical I (0)
  • ED 282  Managing the Learning Environment (2)
  • ED 282L  Clinical II (.5)
  • ED 284  Teaching Diverse Learners (2)
  • ED 284L  Clinical III (.5)
  • ED 320  Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment I (2)
  • ED 321L  Clinical IV (.5)
  • *ED 322  Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment II (2)
  • ED 323L  Clinical V (.5)
  • ED 324L  Fall Experience (0)
  • ED 380  Technology in Teaching (2)
  • *Methods class required by major
  • *ED 482, 483, or 484 Student Teaching Seminar (2)
  • *ED 491, 492, 493, 494, or 495  Student Teaching (6-16 credits)

Department/Division Requirements: see catalog descriptions under each department and division offering a BSEd degree.

North Dakota Substitute Licensing Instructions


How do I get my substitute license?

Come to Swain 218 and ask Deb for the ESPB fingerprinting and background check paperwork. It has even more specific directions than the initial fingerprinting/background check so please follow directions carefully. You will be responsible for sending in the envelope to ESPB and ESPB will send the confirmation directly to you. Then you can complete the application for substitute teaching at the ESPB website: You may put the confirmation from ESPB or your substitute license in your gateway in SLL as proof that you have been fingerprinted and that your background clearance has come back.