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Faculty Senate

Academic Assessment Liaisons

Updates from the meetings of the academic assessment liaisons are posted below. Contact the chair of the Academic Assessment Committee if you have questions.


  • Coordinate program assessment discussions with faculty, staff, students, and others as applicable. 
  • Attend liaison information sessions. 
  • Collaborate with administrators and other faculty at the program, unit, and campus levels when applicable. 
  • Ensure programs receive feedback on their assessment. 
  • Meet with the Chair to keep them apprised of university/college assessment policies, practices, and activities. 
  • Identify and share institutionally effective assessment practices. 
  • Provide consistency and clarity to program student learning goals and outcomes as listed in catalog and in program assessment reports. 
  • Provide feedback and communicate back to the department about Spring Assessment Day.

Assessment Liaisons for 2024-2025

  • Director of Institutional Assessment (Co-chair) - Nathan Anderson
  • Chair of the Academic Assessment Committee (Co-chair) - TBD
  • Others TBD

Membership Dashboard


  • All appointed members serve one-year terms. The Director of Institutional Assessment is a permanent Co-chair.   

Method for filling a vacancy 

  • The chair of a department with a vacancy will appoint a faculty member to serve for the remainder of the academic year.  

Meeting minutes are available on Teams/Sharepoint

Updated July 6, 2024 LKG