» Engagement Activities
» Engagement Honor Roll Submission Process
» Engagement Honor Roll Submission Form
The Engagement Honor Roll is an opportunity for Minot State University undergraduate students to receive recognition for the engagement activities they participate in while a student at Minot State University, through inclusion of this distinction on their transcripts.
Students can participate in one or more of the engagement activities. The list of qualifying activities includes community service (volunteerism), civic engagement, service learning, community-based problem-solving, and leadership development; other activities that do not fit in the above categories will also be considered.
Students must complete the minimum hours listed for each activity in order for that activity to qualify for the Engagement Honor Roll. Students must complete a minimum of 50 hours, verified by supervisors, in any combination of engagement activities in order to be recognized during any given term. Students can only submit hours that they have already completed; they cannot submit hours that they expect to complete by the end of the term.
Students must complete the Engagement Honor Roll form, available on the Academic Support Center (ASC) webpage, prior to the dates listed below in order for the student to be recognized as an Engagement Honor Roll awardee for that semester:
Fall Semester deadline: November 15
Spring Semester Deadline: April 10
Hours may be accumulated over several semesters; however, recognition for engagement activities will only be awarded for the semester in which the reported activities total 50 hours. Students may earn a place on the Engagement Honor Roll every term they reach a total of 50 reported and verified hours.
Contact Information
Tammy Wolf, Tutoring and Starfish Coordinator
Library Lower Level