Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
Academic Advisement
Grade Point Average (GPA)
Transferring to Minot State University
Do I have to meet with my academic advisor before registering for classes? Some students are required to visit with advisors prior to registration, while others are strongly encouraged. Students should check Campus Connection to see if they have advisor or department holds on their record prior to registration.
How often should I visit with my academic advisor? Students should visit with their assigned advisor to plan for the next semester, when they have questions about academic programs, policies and procedures, and/or when they need assistance with locating resources on campus. Students should check their registration date & time (Enrollment Appointment) in Campus Connection and make sure to schedule an appointment to see their advisor well in advance of this date. The Enrollment Appointment can be found in Campus Connection under the Student Center. Students should make sure not to wait until the last minute to schedule an appointment! This will allow for advisors to have more time to devote to each student and planning ahead will allow students with more choices and less stress!
What should I do to prepare for my advisement appointment? To make the most of a student’s advising session, it is important for students to come to the appointment fully prepared. Following are some key items students will want to take care of prior to their appointment.
- CHECK FOR HOLDS! It is important for students to log in to their Campus Connection account to see if they have any holds on their account prior to visiting with their advisor. Holds can be viewed under Student Center. By clicking on the holds, students can view more information about each hold and find out what needs to be done or who they need to contact before the hold will be removed. Some holds do prevent registration!
- REVIEW GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES! Students can access the General Education Requirement course listings in the Undergraduate Catalog. Remember to review the Required Core, Foundational Content & Developmental Content.
- REVIEW COURSES REQUIRED FOR ACADEMIC PROGRAM! The Undergraduate Catalog is a useful tool for students to review courses required for their academic major/minor/concentration. Reviewing this prior to the advising appointment will make for a quality session.
- BRING A LIST OF PREFERRED COURSES! After reviewing courses required for the selected major and General Education Requirements, students should make a list of courses they would like to take in the upcoming semesters. Advisors can assist students with determining which courses would be best appropriate for the next semester.
- WRITE DOWN QUESTIONS AND BRING THEM WITH TO THE APPOINTMENT! As students think of questions about academic programs, campus resources/services, General Education Requirements, etc., they should write them down and bring them with to their next advising appointment. Bringing questions to the appointment will help advisors get to know students and allows for a great discussion to occur!
- ARRIVE ON TIME! Advisors have busy schedules, so it is important to arrive to your appointment on time! If students are unable to make the scheduled appointment, they should call in advance to reschedule.
How can I change my assigned academic advisor? When students change majors, they will be assigned a new academic advisor after submitting the Major/Minor Change Form. If students elect to work with a new advisor within the same department, they should contact the Administrative Assistant from their major department.
How can I find out contact information for my academic advisor? Contact information for assigned academic advisors is listed in Campus Connection account under the Student Center. The phone number will be listed and by clicking on the details link, students can access the advisor’s email. A Faculty & Staff Directory is available online if students need to find their advisor's office location.
How do I set up an appointment to visit with my academic advisor? Students can schedule an appointment with their advisor in various ways. Possible ways to connect with your advisor include phone, email and/or in person. Some advisors use an online scheduling program called Starfish. It is important to ask your advisor which method works the best for future correspondence and appointments. All faculty advisors have walk-in or office hours available for students, as well.
Where can I find out about internships? Students can register with MSU’s Career Services to learn more about internship opportunities. Career Services is located in the Academic Support Center (Lower Level of the Gordon B. Olson Library) and can be reached at 701-858-3362. Faculty are another great resource for students pursuing internship opportunities.
Can I take career assessments to help with deciding on a major? Yes! Career Services offers several career assessments including the Self-Directed Search (SDS) and the Skill Scan. Students are encouraged to discuss the results of their career inventories with career advisors in Career Services.
Where can I find assistance with my career search? Career Services is available to assist students with their career search. Many resources are available on the Career Services website or students can schedule a time to visit with a staff member from Career Services.
How do I calculate my GPA? The grade point average (GPA) is computed by dividing the number of honor points earned by the number of semester credits attempted for which grades of A, B, C, D, or F were given. Honor points are calculated by multiplying the number of semester credits by the points awarded for the grade achieved in the course.
For example, a student who received an A, a B, a C, and a D in four 3-credit courses would have the following GPA:
- A X 3 credits = 4 X 3 = 12 honor points
- B X 3 credits = 3 X 3 = 9 honor points
- C X 3 credits = 2 X 3 = 6 honor points
- D X 3 credits = 1 X 3 = 3 honor points
- Total = 12 credits = 30 honor points = 30 honor points/12 credits = 2.50 GPA
Students who wish to calculate their GPA, may also search online for an Online GPA Calculator.
Will a “W” affect my GPA? No, a “withdrawal” does not impact a student’s GPA.
What GPA do I need to be in good academic standing? All students must have a minimum of 2.000 cumulative grade point average to meet satisfactory progress requirements.
What is Academic Warning? The first time a student’s end-of-term grades bring the cumulative GPA below the required minimum, a warning shall be issued from the Registrar’s Office notifying the student that he/she has been placed on Academic Warning. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog for more specific details.
What is Academic Probation? The student on Academic Warning is given another term of enrollment to bring the Cum GPA up to at least the required minimum. Failing that effort, the student is moved from a status of Academic Warning to one of Academic Probation. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog for more specific details.
What is Academic Suspension? If a student on Academic Probation (cumulative GPA is below the required minimum – see above question on good academic standing) earns below a term GPA of 2.0, he/she will be placed on Academic Suspension. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog for more specific details.
Can my GPA affect the Financial Aid I receive? Yes. Students must progress towards completing their course of study and make satisfactory progress. To maintain Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress students must be maintaining progress in three areas, one of which includes GPA. More information regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress is available on the Financial Aid Office website.
What is an incomplete grade? An incomplete grade may be requested by a student who has been in attendance, has done satisfactory work (C or better) during the term, and whose work is incomplete for reasons found to be satisfactory to the instructor. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog for more specific details.
What should I do if the grade on my transcript is not correct? Students should first visit with their instructor to determine the appropriate grade for the course. Discrepancies of grades on transcripts must be brought to the attention of the Registrar’s Office within one year of the term in question. Students who have reason to believe the recorded grade is not correct will need to complete and submit the Grade Appeals Form.
Can I take a course for satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading? Students may request to take a course on an S/U basis that is normally letter graded (A-F). The request must be made before the last day to drop a course for that particular session. S/U is an option for students in good academic standing who have completed 60 or more semester hours. No more than 15 hours of elective S/U course work can be applied toward a baccalaureate degree. The S/U option may not be used in those courses to be applied to the student’s major, minor, General Education Requirements, or the professional education sequence. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog for more specific details.
What majors are available at Minot State University? A complete listing of majors and programs offered at MSU is available here. Specific requirements for all majors, minors and concentrations can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog.
How do I declare a major? Students can view their major/program in Campus Connection by clicking on Student Center>My Academics. If the major listed is not accurate, the Major/Minor change form will need to be submitted. This form is available in Campus Connection under eForms.
How do I change my major? The Major/Minor change form is available in Campus Connection under eForms. Within 48 hours of receipt, an email confirmation of the change will be sent to the student’s MSU email account.
What if I am unsure about my major? Career Services offers career exploration assistance for students who are not sure about their major. They are located in the Academic Support Center located in the lower level of the Gordon B. Olson Library.
Can I double major? Students may elect to earn a single degree with more than one major. Students may complete a double major (two majors) or any number of majors.
Can I earn a double degree? Students may elect to earn two or more bachelor degrees. Each degree must be different. Students deciding to earn two or more degrees must complete all the requirements for the major for each degree.
How many credits is required for a degree? A minimum of 120 credits is required for a baccalaureate degree at MSU.
Do I have to choose a minor? Students earning a BA degree must pursue coursework outside the major and complete either:
- One Major and three areas of Concentration
- One Major, one Minor, and one area of Concentration
- One Major, and two Minors
How do I register for classes? Students are assigned a registration date and time, also known as Enrollment Appointment, in Campus Connection for the upcoming term. Prior to registration, students should check Campus Connection for any holds that may affect course registration. Students can register for courses using Campus Connection once the enrollment appointment date and time arrives and registration holds have been removed.
How do I sign up for a waitlisted course? When a course is full, students may have the option to sign up for a waitlist. When students are using the search criteria, it is important to uncheck the “show open classes only” box. The next step is to select the appropriate course and then check the “waitlist if course is full” box. Once students have finished enrolling, the section with indicate “waitlisting” with the appropriate position number. This indicates the potential for enrollment, not actual enrollment. If a seat becomes available in the class, the first eligible student on the waitlist will be automatically enrolled in the course. The student is responsible for monitoring his/her study list and complying with all add/drop policies once enrolled. Students who no longer want to wait for an opening in a course must drop themselves from the waitlist through Campus Connection. A student will not be added to a course off a waitlist if he/she is already enrolled in an available section of the same course.
How do I sign up for an online course? Students sign up for online courses using Campus Connection. When viewing course sections, those which indicated "Internet" under the "Room" are online sections. When using the "class search" feature in Campus Connection, "Online Asynchronous" can be selected in the "Mode of Instruction" drop down box under "Additional Search Criteria. This allows students to search only for online classes.
What is a registration hold? How do I know if I have one? There are several holds that may prevent course registration. Examples of these holds include Advisor, Department, Financial Obligation Agreement (FOA), Housing, Health Center (MMR), and Orientation. Students should check their holds in Campus Connection under their Student Center. Holds will be listed on the right hand side of the screen. Students can click to view more details and look at specific information, including contact information, for each hold.
What if I want to take a class that is closed/full? Students may have the option to waitlist courses. Students can check Campus Connection to see if waitlist seats are available. See above question on signing up for waitlisted courses for more information.
How do I know which Math class I am eligible to enroll in? Students should visit with their assigned academic advisor or the Math department to determine Math eligibility. Enrollment in Math courses is based on a students’ Math ACT or Math SAT scores. If students wish to sign up for a higher Math than eligible (based on the Math ACT or SAT), or if students have not completed the SAT or ACT exam, they can take the Accuplacer Placement Test. Students should contact the MSU Testing Center at (701) 858-3830 to schedule an appointment to take the exam.
How many credits to I need to enroll in to be a full-time student? A normal undergraduate load for a fall or spring semester is 12-18 credits. A normal undergraduate load for a summer session is 6-12 credits. Students who wish to enroll in more credits than the normal load will need approval from their assigned advisor and department/division chair. Additional per credit charges will apply.
What is the maximum number of credits I can take in one semester? Students can enroll in up to 18 credits. Those who wish to attempt more than 18 credits a term must have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA and approval from their academic advisor. Students may not register for more than 22 credits per term. The Registration Action form must be filled out in Campus Connection under eForms and must be signed by the assigned advisor, department/division chair.
What is an elective course? Elective courses are classes students can take that are not required to graduate or fulfill a degree requirement.
How many credits of General Education Requirements do I need to complete? The Minot State University General Education model has three components: Required Core, Foundational Content, and Developmental Content. The Required Core includes COMM 110, ENGL 110, ENGl 120 and UNIV 110. The Foundational Content includes one Mathematics, one History, two Social Science, two Humanities, and two Lab Science courses. The Developmental Content emphasizes outcomes and are divided into three categories: Critical Capacities and Skills (CCS), Personal and Social Responsibility (PSR) and Interconnecting Perspectives (IP). Students can double count courses to satisfy the Developmental Content requirements.
Students who transfer to Minot State and are considered complete in general education requirements under one of Minot State’s agreements, are considered to have met the requirements for all three components of Minot State's General Education Requirements.
Students transferring to Minot State University with 24 transferable credits or more are not required to take the UNIV 110 but need to complete any required courses not yet completed in all sections of Minot State's General Education Requirements.
Is it possible to participate in the Honors Program? To be eligible for admission to the Honors Program, first-year students (freshmen) must have a minimum composite ACT score of 25 or a high school GPA of 3.50 or higher (on a 4.00 scale). Students seeking admission after at least one academic term at the university must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.30. The program is open to students pursuing a baccalaureate degree enrolling in eight or more credits each term. If students do not meet the GPA or ACT requirements, they may still apply by submitting the necessary forms. Students may visit the Honors Program website for more information.
How many credits do I need to graduate? To graduate from Minot State with a baccalaureate degree, students must complete a minimum of 120 semester credits.
How do I apply for graduation? Students need to submit the Application for Graduation in Campus Connection under eForms by the posted deadline each semester.
How do I request a transcript? Students can request an official transcript online, in writing by mail, fax, or in person. Transcripts cannot be released without the student’s written signature unless requested online through Campus Connection. Transcripts cost $8.00 per copy, unless special ordering options are chosen. Additional information about ordering a transcript can be found on the Registrar's Office website.
Transferring to Minot State University
How do I find out what credits will transfer to MSU? Minot State accepts and transcribes all credits from regionally accredited institutions, and credits on a course by course basis from nationally accredited institutions. Transfer courses will be reviewed and course equivalencies will be noted on students’ transcripts in Campus Connection.
Where can I find information on transfer equivalencies? Minot State University has many transfer course equivalencies in place with institutions in North Dakota, across the region, and across the U.S. and Canada. Equivalencies can be viewed in the online Transfer Evaluation System.
Does MSU have articulation agreements in place with other institutions? Transfer Articulation Agreements are currently in place with many U.S. and International institutions.
How will my transfer courses satisfy my MSU General Education requirements? Once transfer courses have been reviewed, they will be noted on students’ transcripts in Campus Connection. The Transfer Credit Summary Report will indicate which courses count toward Minot State General Education coursework and which courses meet a specific course equivalency. Courses that have been equated to 100 + general education letter code (i.e. 100HU = humanities) are considered to meet General Education requirements, but have no specific course equivalency. Students who meet one of the following will satisfy all three components of the Minot State General Education requirements:
- Successful completion of a four-year bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited degree grading institution.
- Successful completion of Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) degree from a school within the North Dakota University System. (NDUS Policy Section 403.7)
- Successful completion of general education requirements at any North Dakota University System school will fulfill the North Dakota General Education Transfer Agreement (GERTA).
Students transferring to Minot State University with 24 transferable credits or more are not required to take the UNIV 110 but need to complete any required courses not yet completed in all sections of Minot State's General Education Requirements.
Will the grades I earned at my previous institution count toward my MSU GPA? Yes. These grades will be calculated in the student’s cumulative GPA (with the exception of remedial coursework).
Will I receive credit at MSU for my military service/coursework? Basic training courses are accepted in transfer as KIN 100 and fulfill the wellness category of general education requirements at the University. All other military credits are evaluated using the most recent ACE Guide recommendations. Military work experience will not be accepted.