Addiction Studies, Psychology, and Social Work
School Psychology Admission
Thank you for your interest in our school psychology program at Minot State University.
Departmental Admission Standards
The Department of School Psychology is committed to providing students with a diverse academic environment. Students of all ethnic backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply.
Criteria for Admission
- Completion of a bachelor’s degree in education or psychology preferred but not required.
- Completion of all admission requirements of the Graduate School at Minot State University. Students who have applied for admission by March 1st, for the next academic year, will be given priority consideration.
- Completion of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). With successful completion of graduate coursework, this requirement may be waived.
- Interview. A personal interview is encouraged. However, when distance is a factor, the interview can be done over Zoom or Microsoft Teams.
- Students with permanent residence in North Dakota, as defined in the University catalog, will receive priority consideration.
Criteria for Retention
- Students may not continue enrollment in the program if they earn any grade lower than a "C" in program course work.
- Students must maintain a 3.00 Grade Point Average (GPA) throughout their graduate work.
- Students in this program who do not meet the criteria for retention may not enroll in additional coursework in the School Psychology Program.
- Students must demonstrate their ability to work with and relate to children and educators during their matriculation.
Academic Honesty
Academic honesty is at the core of any graduate program. Any behavior deemed as academically dishonest by the department will result in dismissal from the program. Academic dishonesty would include, but is not limited to, the following types of behaviors:
- Misrepresenting another individual’s work as one’s own. Plagiarism.
- Copying from another student during an exam.
- Altering one’s exam after grading for the purpose of enhancing one’s grade.
- Submitting the same paper to more than one class.
- Use of any material not approved by the instructor during the exam.
- Dismissal for academic dishonesty can be appealed after the action. A student should follow the procedure set forth in the catalog.