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  Minot State / State Authorization and Licensure / Information for Faculty and Staff
State Authorization and Licensure

Information for Faculty and Staff

First, why are we doing this work? Our goal is to guide students on the most efficient path to reach their education and career goals. When they are pursuing a program that could potentially require licensure, this means providing information about the educational requirements to obtain a license.

The government and our reciprocity agreements also require it. The federal government requires licensure notifications to offer federal financial aid. Our NC-SARA agreement requires them to offer online programs and learning placements outside of North Dakota.

Does your department offer online courses or learning placements outside of North Dakota? If yes, your department is REQUIRED to research licensure requirements in all states/territories.

If no, then your department is not required to research licensure requirements. However, it is highly encouraged that you research the requirements so you can attract new students. This is especially important in states from which you bring several students. Since research regarding licensure requirements is not being completed, the following restrictions are placed on the program:

  • Absolutely no learning placements including internships, practicums, or clinicals can be placed outside of North Dakota.
  • No marketing referring to profession or licensure can be conducted outside of North Dakota.

We understand researching licensure requirements in all states/territories is daunting, but we need to complete this work to best serve our students and maintain compliance.

Start in small chunks and just start working on it. Start with states/territories where you typically have out-of-state students or those where you have students in learning placements. Split up the work to make it more manageable.

The notifications provided to students are general notifications. It is not necessary to provide information about every type of licensing option or pathway, but we want to provide general information about the requirements and any fees associated with obtaining a license. If there are multiple options and pathways, we can modify the notification language to indicate this and direct students to discuss these with their advisor and/or program director. If you would like to discuss this option, please contact the Online Program Coordinator.

Departments can use a spreadsheet to document their research. When completed, this should be sent to the Online Program Coordinator. The Online Program Coordinator will use this information to update the website and the notification letters in Campus Connection.

To ensure we are providing accurate information to students, it is important that departments periodically review the requirements. These reviews should be conducted annually. Once completed, departments should notify the Online Program Coordinator which states/territories have been researched and if there are any updates. The Online Program Coordinator will use this information to update the website and the notification letters in Campus Connection.

The department’s research is used to update the following notifications:

When a student completes an out-of-state learning placement, this is distance education. Therefore, the degree program is required to follow the requirements of the NC-SARA agreement. This means that the department is REQUIRED to research licensure requirements in all states/territories.

An out-of-state learning placement is also considered an official notification of location change. Therefore, a student needs to be sent a licensure notification. When a student requests an out-of-state learning placement, the academic department or placement coordinator will notify the student directly using the information on the Program Disclosure and Licensure Requirements website. Documentation must be maintained within the academic department and available upon request. For assistance, please contact the Online Program Coordinator.

The NC-SARA agreement allows us to offer limited out-of-state learning placements but does not have any effect on requirements to have supervised field experiences approved by agencies or boards responsible for professional requirements in some states. It is the department’s responsibility to ensure compliance with any requirements before placing a student in an out-of-state learning placement.

Contact Information

Jolina Miller
Online Program Coordinator
Center for Extended Learning
Office: Administration 365
Phone: 701-858-3218