The IRB: What Is It and How It Works
IRB is an acronym for the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Research Subjects. All universities, hospitals, and other institutions that conduct research using humans as research subjects are required by law to establish a committee responsible for reviewing proposed research involving human subjects. The purpose of the IRB is to ensure that the rights and welfare of research subjects are protected. To comply with this law and to ensure ethical research, Minot State University has established the IRB.
The following video is useful to students or those faculty new to IRB:
Minot State University’s IRB policy requires that all research involving human subjects, whether funded by an external organization or not, must comply with regulations for human subject research established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as described in the Code of Federal Regulations 45 CFR 46 and by Minot State University IRB policies. This means that projects involving human subjects must have IRB approval prior to project initiation. This website has the materials that will help you in obtaining IRB approval for your project.
→ Responsibilities of the Principle Investigator for Research Involving Human Subjects
Required Training
Principal Investigators (PI) of research involving human subjects are required to complete the CITI course, Social/Behavioral Research Investigators and Key Personnel (ID 883) prior to conducting research. The PI assures that all those persons listed on the application who are involved in the research have completed in IRB human subjects training requirements. Student researchers under the supervision of faculty/staff PI’s are covered by the PI’s CITI training. Online training is available, at no cost to the investigator, through CITI at https://about.citiprogram.org/en/homepage/
→ MSU IRB Procedures and Internal Policies
→ Research Conducted in Minot Public School District
Related Site:
→ Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)