Writing Studies-L
The WritingStudies-L discussion list (formerly WPA-L) is intended to provide an inclusive space for scholars and educators of all backgrounds and rank to discuss issues and seek information related to the field of writing studies. This independent list is funded through charitable contributions by its members. WritingStudies-L was established in 1991. It is not affiliated with the Council of Writing Program Administrators.
The moderation board for WritingStudies-L is currently revising and reviewing its participation guidelines. A group of volunteers serves as a moderation board. For the time being WritingStudies-L is a moderated list.
Subscribing and Unsubscribing
Send an e-mail message to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.NODAK.EDU
Leave the subject line blank (important step! Your subscription status will not go into effect through the listserv program if 'subscribe' is in the subject heading and not the body)
Type "SUBSCRIBE writingstudies-l" (without the quotation marks) in the body of your message.
Send an e-mail message to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.NODAK.EDU
Leave the subject line blank (important step! Your subscription status will not go into effect through the listserv program if 'unsubscribe' is in the subject heading and not the body)
Type "UNSUBSCRIBE writingstudies-l" (without the quotation marks) in the body of your message.
Please do not “Reply All” when you write this message.
You may also use "SIGNOFF writingstudies-l" (without the quotation marks) in the body of your message.
Posting to WritingStudies-L
Messages sent to the old WPA-L address will no longer be sent to the list. Please notice that this is a different address from the one you would use to subscribe or unsubscribe--functions that are described below.
Please send list posts to our new email address: WRITINGSTUDIES-L@listserv.nodak.edu
WritingStudies-L Tags for Subject Line:
When posting to the WritingStudies-L list, please use one of the tags listed in the document linked here at the beginning of your subject line. Note: your post will be held indefinitely without one of these tags.
Configuring Digest Options and Other Settings
To set digest options, suspend and resume messages from the list, and unsubscribe from the list, visit https://listserv.nodak.edu/cgi-bin/wa.exe?A0=WRITINGSTUDIES-L
Contacting the List Managers
Holly Hassel -- holly.hassel@ndsu.edu
Samuel Stinson -- samuel.stinson@ndus.edu
Viewing the Archives
There are several options listed below for accessing the list archives.
Complete public archives are available for WritingStudies-L by clicking here.
Posts from just the earlier WPA-L period of the list (1993-2021) are also available by clicking the linls below:
On the right-hand side of the Archive.org page, look for the word DOWNLOAD OPTIONS. There, locate the word TEXT and click on it. Next, click on 01-1993.txt. This should be all the messages sent on WPA-L for January of 1993. Each month is archived like this, by month and year.
About WritingStudies-L
WritingStudies-L, founded in 1991 as WPA-L, is an email distribution list devoted to discussions of writing practices, pedagogy, research, and theory.