Taking University Equipment Home
This policy applies to MSU equipment used in an employee’s home.
In unusual circumstances, to facilitate the completion of specific job assignments, MSU realizes it is necessary for employees to take university equipment home. Employees may use university equipment at home provided the employee and his/her department accept full responsibility for any loss or damage to the equipment if the university’s insurance does not cover the equipment. Generally, university insurance does not cover equipment stolen from or damaged in an employee’s home or vehicle.
When home use is expected to exceed one calendar week, the responsible supervisor must determine whether such equipment is used for legitimate business purposes and assist the employee in completing the proper authorization. It is at the supervisor’s discretion whether to approve or deny an employee’s request to take equipment home. The supervisor must consider whether the use of equipment at home will create a hardship or shortage to other employees in the department.
If approved, the employee must compete and sign the proper authorization form. The form is available from each department or at the Business Office. The original completed form must be returned to the Business Office. A copy must be kept in the department. If equipment is currently in an employee’s home, the form must be completed or equipment returned to the department.
The equipment must be returned when its use at home is no longer necessary, or authorized, or when an employee terminates employment. Failure to do so may result in appropriate sanctions or other action being brought against the employee, including withholding money due to the employee from the university until the property is returned.
In the case of computers being used at home, the university’s IT Central technical staff are limited to on-campus support of MSU computer equipment. Technical support relative to hardware and software issues is not allowed off-campus.
Auditors or MSU personnel may be required to visually verify the equipment location and intended use.
Personal use of university property is a misdemeanor in violation of Section 12.1-23-07 of the North Dakota Century Code.