Business Office
Campus procedures for hiring student employees
As you prepare for the new academic year, please take a moment to review the campus procedures for hiring student employees -
- All student employment opportunities should be posted through NDUS Recruiting Solutions on Minot State Campus Connection, HRMS Self-Service Login.
- Students interested in campus employment should apply for available positions on the Minot State Office of Human Resources web site under, Student Employment Openings at Minot State University.
- Students that have applied for your posted campus employment position will post on your Open Jobs tile on the HRMS site for your review. If a student has been offered or has accepted federal work-study (FWS) funds, the binocular icon (Work Study Verification), will show if work study was offered or if work study (WS) was accepted and if the student is enrolled and how many credits.
- If a student has not been offered FWS funds or is not eligible for FWS funds, the Work Study Verification will show “no” for Wok Study Offered and Work Study Accepted. A “No” indicator does not mean a student is not eligible. Any questions about FWS eligibility, contact the Minot State Financial Aid Office.
- To maximize the institutional work-study award, the Financial Aid Office will review student hours worked for work-study eligibility. Supervisors will be notified if a student could use work-study funds.
- Supervisors should not schedule student employees during a scheduled class period and should generally limit student employment to 20 hour per student per week.
- Finally, if you have returning student employees for same position for the new academic year, these students can begin working without needing to repeat steps 1-3. These students are already in the payroll system.
If you have questions about student work-study eligibility, please contact the Financial Aid Office at 858-4152 or