Assistant Professor
Office: Cyril Moore 229
Email: rachel.schomaker@minotstateu.edu
Phone Number: 701-858-3508
Dr. Rachel Schomaker (BS, Florida Southern College; PhD, University of South Carolina) joined the Biology Department at Minot State in the Fall of 2022. She is a phytoplankton ecologist, and she is interested in how the great diversity of phytoplankton physiology has evolved. She is particularly interested in how phytoplankton respond to changes in resource availability, but she has a broad history of research experience, including work with parasites, bacterial water quality, invasive vs. native aquatic plants, and herpetology.
Courses Taught:
Introduction to Microbiology (Biol 202) and corresponding labs
Concepts of Biology (Biol 111) labs
General Microbiology (Biol 302) and corresponding labs
At Previous Institutions
Introduction to Microbiology Lecture
Ecology and Evolution labs
Bacteriology Labs