Bachelor of General Studies
Program Requirements and Policies
The graduation requirements are the same for the BGS program as they are for other degree programs:
- 120 credits
- 30 credits earned in residence (i.e., from Minot State University)
- 60 credits from a four-year college or university
- 2.00 cumulative grade point average
- Completion of the General Education Requirements
BGS Program Requirements:
- IDS 470 General Studies Capstone (1 cr)
- 39 credits of upper-level (300-400 level) courses (excluding IDS 470)
BGS Program Policies:
- Students may not substitute 100-200 level courses for 300-400 level courses.
- A transfer course taken at the 300-400 level counts towards the upper-level credit requirement.
- Transfer courses taken as a lower-level course will only count toward the upper-level credit requirement if the transfer course is equivalent to an upper-level MiSU course. A course equivalency form must be on file with the Registrar’s Office.
- A maximum of 8 cr of Internship and/or Research coursework may be applied to the upper-level credit requirement.
- The BGS degree may not be earned in combination with another degree/major.
- Students may declare a minor (or minors), but not concentrations.