The Division of Social Science offers two options that lead to licensure to teach secondary social studies. The History BSED degree offers in-depth history plus study of at least one supplemental area in Economics, Political Science or Geography. The Social Science BSED degree is designed to cover history and two supplemental areas in economics, political science or geography. Graduates with either degree are eligible to take the state's required license exam. We recommend all secondary education candidates (History and Social Science) take the Social Studies Composite Praxis Exam. Success on that exam qualifies the candidate to teach any of North Dakota's Social Studies disciplines.
Which to choose, history or social science? The choice depends on the candidate, particularly if one is transferring in existing courses from one or more other institutions. The history major provides the graduate with a teaching degree AND study in a core academic discipline, history, which allows flexible transfer should candidates wish to teach out of state. Also, if at a later point a graduate decides to change to another career majoring in history allows easy application to law school or other professional schools. The Social Science BSED requires less history but a few more courses in the supplemental area and it is designed to satisfy the "composite" needs defined by the State of ND. In practice we've graduated successful ND teachers who have followed both paths. We recommend candidates select the option that best utilizes any existing courses from other institutions.
For more information please contact the Division Chair, Dr. Ringrose:
Division of Social Science
Old Main 202A
(701) 858-3130