Careers in Sociology: The Twenty-first Century
- Universities, Service Academies
- Colleges and Junior Colleges
- Adult Schools
- High Schools
- Medical and Nursing Schools
- Schools of Social Work
- In-service Training Institutes
- Department of Education
- Law enforcement-Federal, State, and Local
- Classification, Probation, Parole Officers
- Administrative positions in penal institutions
- Correctional counselor; Youth Counselor
- Probation Officer
- Operations planner for a defense firm
- Churches and related programs
- General and Mental Hospitals
- Public or private welfare agencies
- Unions and Industries
- Agencies for counseling on marriage, children's problems, vocations, the aged
- Recreational agencies
- Program assistant for a social service agency
- Child Care Program Developer
- Fair employment commissions
- Fair housing commissions
- Public employment agencies
- Employment Counselor
- Employer's Associations
- Large Industries
- Public Relations
- Administrative Assistant
- Personnel Manager
- Social Ecologist
Medical Sociology
- Members of research, evaluation, and planning teams
- Consultants to directors of hospital or other agencies
- Social Worker for a large health care agency
- Health intake counselor
- Claims Examiner
- Social Insurance Representative
- National Unions
- Civil Rights Organization
- Religious Organizations
- Religious Organizations
- Housing Agencies
- Urban Planning & Renewal Agencies
- Anti-Poverty Agencies
- Outreach Worker
- Suburban Coordinator
- Veteran Claims Representative Trainee
- Real Estate Agency
- Disability Insurance Trainee
- Peace Corps, VISTA
- Community Organization Projects
- Rural Community Consultants
- UNESCO, other international agencies
- Foreign Service or US State Department
- Research designers and administrators
- Interviewers
- Data processors
- Computer Specialists
- Researchers for private companies, university agencies, or institutes
- Population Opinion Analyst
- Demographer
- Public Health Statistician