Earn your criminal justice degree on campus, online, through the AU-ABC, at Bismarck State, or combine some or all options.
You can begin or complete your criminal justice degree ONLINE from Minot State. New to criminal justice? We’ll prepare you to enter a continuously changing career by addressing topics such as police use of force, the psychopathy of offenders, mass shootings, juvenile justice, prisoner reentry, international and domestic terrorism, plus much more.
Wanting to expand your current professional criminal justice knowledge? Our degree will enhance your understanding in law enforcement, the court system, corrections, theory and policy, and many other topics.
- Minot State offers the most affordable criminal justice degree in North Dakota.
- We are the most affordable university in the U.S. for out-of-state students.
- Our new Academic Excellence Scholarship is available to qualified incoming freshman.
- A record number of scholarships are now available at Minot State.
- As a licensed peace officer who has been employed as a law enforcement officer for at least two years and who has maintained a satisfactory job performance, you may be eligible to receive a waiver of 25% of resident tuition and fees at Minot State University with the North Dakota Law Enforcement Officer Tuition & Fees Waiver Program.
- Average starting salary $50-60K.
- North Dakota ranks sixth in the nation for law enforcement careers.
- North Dakota is among the top 10 states with the highest probation officer salaries.
- The CJ program will expose you to relevant social, political, economic, and philosophical issues confronting the justice system both within the U.S. and in other countries.
- Minot State criminal justice students recently scored in the top 6% nationally on the Area Concentration Achievement Test (ACAT).
- You can be certified as a Peace Officer through our collaboration with Lake Region State College.
Our department makes curriculum updates as changes occur within the field, ensuring you are well prepared to face situations you will encounter in the workplace.
The Criminal Justice Club is another arena where you can get out of the classroom to explore more of the field such as touring the ND State Penitentiary and a Minnesota boot camp and hosting guest speakers from the FBI, DEA, and Federal Probation.
For information on field experience and internships, visit HERE.