English students selected to present at Sigma Tau Delta International Convention

“For a department of our size, that is an astoundingly high number of acceptances. This demonstrates that our English majors are producing scholarship that is competitive on an international level, something that I believe can only bolster their confidences but also their confidence in the MSU English program.”
Ash Bowen, English professor and co-advisor to the English Club

MINOT, N.D. – Four MSU students will present their academic and creative works March 21-24 at the Sigma Tau Delta International Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio.

The works to be presented include: “Cerebra” by Martina Kranz, “A Lifetime of Races” by DeAndra Miller, “The Dystopian Influence on Postmodern Literature” by Adrianna Varbero, and “Free-Writing, Twofers, and Other Things” by Wyatt Olson.

“For a department of our size, that is an astoundingly high number of acceptances,” said Ash Bowen, who teaches English at MSU and serves as co-advisor to the English Club. “This demonstrates that our English majors are producing scholarship that is competitive on an international level, something that I believe can only bolster their confidences but also their confidence in the MSU English program.” 

The four students spent months working on their papers before finally submitting them last year for review.

“Part of what makes these students impressive is their initiative,” said MSU English instructor and English Club co-advisor Sarah Aleshire. “They’re already good writers, but they understand that even good writing gets better with feedback and revision, so they independently reached out to professors in the department for critique as they prepared their submissions.”

The Sigma Tau Delta International Honor Society schedules a conference every year to celebrate the achievements of college writers. According to the Sigma Tau Delta website, there are currently 900 chapters located around the world, and 9,000 members inducted annually. 

“The best part of being selected to present at the convention is the opportunity to network with fellow English majors from around the world,” said Adrianna Varbero, who presented at last year’s conference as well. 

About Minot State University
Minot State University is a public university dedicated to excellence in education, scholarship, and community engagement achieved through rigorous academic experiences, active learning environments, commitment to public service, and a vibrant campus life.

Published: 02/15/18   

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