Hess Corporation representatives prepare students with ‘The Interview’

“The Interview,” the third event of the “Are You Workplace Ready?” series at Minot State University, featured Julie Vetter, North Dakota competency supervisor, and Rachel Allison, senior competency technician, from Hess Corporation. The Student Success Center sponsored the Nov. 5 event.

Although tailored for students, regardless of major, everyone came to learn about how competency-based interviews can be helpful in any industry. Vetter and Allison used a process designed to identify future team members who demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving capabilities.

“We used a combination of traditional interview questions along with a participative demonstration of skills. This helps us as employers to determine skill level and anticipated behaviors in the workplace,” Vetter said.

After the event, Vetter reflected upon the experience.

“MSU students are engaged and understand textbook applications for interviewing and securing a job,” Vetter said. “I think they were surprised but appreciated the real life activities we put them through and the importance of teamwork, personal behaviors and critical thinking skills. These are things our company is looking for, and I would imagine that other companies are looking for the same.”

Vetter foresees Hess Corporation and Minot State collaborating in the future.

“Hess can do a number of things with MSU, including assisting with resume writing, doing one-on-one mentoring with seniors, allowing job shadowing over the holidays and just being available in the classroom to give ‘real world’ examples of what happens in the workplace.” 

The Student Success Center launched the “Are You Workplace Ready?” to prepare MSU students for situations that can arise in the employment search or workplace. “Preparing New Professionals for the Workplace: Lessons from Leading Area CEOs and Managers” and the “Etiquette Luncheon” were the first two installments. For questions, contact Tammy Wolf, student services advisor, at 858-3362 or tammy.wolf@minotstateu.edu.

About Minot State University
Minot State University is a public university dedicated to excellence in education, scholarship, and community engagement achieved through rigorous academic experiences, active learning environments, commitment to public service, and a vibrant campus life.

Published: 11/08/15   

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