Institutional Committees
Athletic Advisory Council
- Kevin Harmon; VP of Student Affairs and Intercollegiate Athletics (Ex-Officio)
- Kristi Berg; FAR (Ex-Officio); Business, Math, and Technology
- Ernst Pijning (26); Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
- Ruth Chen (27); Science and Health
- Evan Borisinkoff (25); Education and Behavioral Sciences
- Andrew Makarchuk; Chair of Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC)
- Cameron Stone; Chair of the Beaver Booster Board
- TBD; Administrative Member
- Membership - VP of Student Affairs and Intercollegiate Athletics, ex officio, four faculty representatives one of which is the Faculty Athletic representative (FAR), one Beaver Booster member, one administrative representative, one student athlete representative.
2. Method of selection - The VP of Student Affairs and Intercollegiate Athletics appoints the student athlete and the Beaver Boosters representative; the Faculty president appoints 3 faculty representatives, MSU’s President appoints the administrative, and the FAR representative.
3. Term - Students serve a one-year term; All other appointments will serve staggered three-year terms and may be consecutive for up to three terms.
4. Method for filling a vacancy - When a vacancy arises, notification is given to those entities responsible for the initial appointments.
5. Duties - The AAC advises the VP of Student Affairs and Intercollegiate Athletics and MSU President regarding the athletics budget, sports configuration, gender equity/Title IX and facilities. The AAC reviews student-athlete welfare issues, playing a significant role in modifying university policy to better serve student athletes. The AAC will also report back to the faculty senate annually through FAR.
Updated 9-26-2024 LKG