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Knowledgebase: DUO MultiFactor
How do I add a new device to Duo Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?
Posted by Darren Olson, Last modified by Darren Olson on 11 March 2024 08:03 AM

To update your settings for DUO Security after enrollment you may visit http://portal.ndus.edu or call IT Central at 701-858-4444

Login with your NDUS credentials and at the Duo prompt, select the Settings menu.

Access Duo Settings

After authenticating you'll see the device management portal. This is where you can enroll a new device by clicking Add another device and following the device enrollment steps, or reactivate, edit, or delete your existing devices.

Add a New Device Link

2. Choose your authentication method

Choose an authentication method and complete multi-factor authentication to begin adding a new device.

If you are adding a new device to replace one that you previously activated for Duo Push, don't select the Duo Push authentication method on this page unless you still have the original device. If you don't have the original device, but you have a new device with the same phone number, then you can authenticate with a phone call or SMS passcode.

You cannot add a new device from this page if you do not have access to any of your previously enrolled authentication devices; you'll need to contact your Duo administrator for help.

Authenticate to Add a Device

3. Follow the device enrollment process

Proceed with the device enrollment process as shown in the initial Enrollment Guide. As an example, let's add another phone.

Select Device Type

4. Enter your phone number

Enter and confirm the second phone number.

Enter and Confirm Phone Number

5. Select your operating system

Select the new phone's operating system.

Select Device Platform

6. Install and activate

Install Duo Mobile on the new phone and scan the barcode to activate.

Scan Barcode to Activate

7. You're all set

The new phone is added and listed with your other enrolled devices. You can click Add another device to start the enrollment process again and add another authenticator.

New Device Added

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