Login with campus connection credentials or use the password sent to your personal email

Knowledgebase : DUO MultiFactor

1. Welcome Screen

Visit http://duo.minotstateu.edu and when prompted, enter your user.name credentials, select Log In, then Start setup to begin enrolling a device. 

If you have already enrolled and need to change device settings, see How do I update my phone number or default setting for DUO Security?

Begin Enrollment

2. Choose Your Authentication Device Type

Select the type of device you would like to enroll and click Continue. We recommend using a smart phone for the best experience, but you can also enroll a land-line telephone, a U2F token, or an iOS/Android tablet.

3. Type Your Phone Number

Select your country from the drop-down menu and enter your phone number. Use the number of your smartphone, landline, or cell phone that you have with you when logging in to a Duo-protected service. You can enter an extension if you chose "Landline" in the previous step.

Double-check that you entered it correctly, check the box, and click Continue.

Enter and Confirm Phone Number

If you are enrolling a tablet you will not be prompted to enter a phone number.

4. Choose Platform

Choose your device's operating system and click Continue.

Select Device Platform

Two-factor authentication adds a second layer of security to your online accounts. Verifying your identity using a second factor (like your phone or other mobile device) prevents anyone but you from logging in, even if they know your password.

How It Works

Three steps to stronger authentication


  • Enter username and password as usual
  • Use your phone to verify your identity
  • Securely logged in

Once you've enrolled in Duo you're ready to go: You'll login as usual with your username and password, and then use your device to verify that it's you. Your administrator can set up the system to do this via SMS, voice call, one-time passcode, the Duo Mobile smartphone app, and so on.

No mobile phone? You can also use a landline or tablet, or ask your administrator for a hardware token. Duo lets you link multiple devices to your account, so you can use your mobile phone and a landline, a landline and a hardware token, two different mobile devices, etc.

Why Do I Need This?

Passwords are increasingly easy to compromise. They can often be stolen, guessed, or hacked — you might not even know someone is accessing your account.

Two-factor authentication adds a second layer of security, keeping your account secure even if your password is compromised. With Duo Push, you'll be alerted right away (on your phone) if someone is trying to log in as you.

This second factor of authentication is separate and independent from your username and password — Duo never sees your password.

Supported Devices

Click your device to learn more:



For more information visit https://guide.duo.com 

1. Install Duo Mobile

Why use Duo Mobile?

  • It's fast & easy
  • Works in any country
  • Doesn't require cell service

Duo Mobile is an app that runs on your smartphone and helps you authenticate quickly and easily. Without it you'll still be able to log in using a phone call or text message, but for the best experience we recommend that you use Duo Mobile.

Find the Duo Mobile App for:

For instructions on configuring DUO protected email on your mobile device visit this page.

Follow the platform-specific instructions on the screen to install Duo Mobile. After installing our app return to the enrollment window at https://2fa.ndus.edu and click I have Duo Mobile installed.

Install Duo Mobile

2. Activate Duo Mobile

Activating the app links it to your account so you can use it for authentication.

On iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone activate Duo Mobile by scanning the barcode with the app's built-in barcode scanner. Follow the platform specific instructions for your device:

Scan Barcode to Activate

The "Continue" button is clickable after you scan the barcode successfully.

Activation Success

Can't scan the barcode? Click Or, have an activation link emailed to you instead. and follow the instructions.

3. Configure Device Options (optional)

You can use Device Options to give your phone a more descriptive name, or you can click Add another device to start the enrollment process again and add a second phone or another authenticator.

If this is the device you'll use most often with Duo then you may want to enable automatic push requests by changing the When I log in: option and changing the setting from "Ask me to choose an authentication method" to "Automatically send this device a Duo Push" or "Automatically call this device" and click Save. With one of the automatic options enabled Duo automatically sends an authentication request via push notification to the Duo Mobile app on your smartphone or a phone call to your device (depending on your selection).

Automatic Device Options


Click Continue to login to proceed to the Duo Prompt.

Successful Device Enrollment

Your device is ready to approve Duo authentication requests. 

Click Send me a Push to give it a try. All you need to do is tap Approve on the Duo login request received at your phone.

Enrollment Complete

4. What's next?

View Duo MFA Tips and Best Practices

What is Duo Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

Duo is an extra level of security to protect sensitive information from identity theft. It requires users to authenticate twice, once with their username and password as they would normally do and then again by using another device—usually a cell phone. 

Why do I need this extra protection?

Passwords are increasingly easy to compromise. They can often be stolen, guessed, or hacked. Duo’s multi-factor authentication adds a second layer of security, keeping your accounts secure even if your password is compromised. With Duo Push, you'll be alerted right away (on your phone) if someone is trying to log in as you. This second factor of authentication is separate and independent from your username and password (Duo never sees your password).

What MSU systems use Duo?

Currently, MSU uses MFA for Office 365 and Campus Solutions. This includes Outlook, Web Email, Campus Connection, HRMS Employee Self-Service, and Finance.

Students should only be required to authenticate if they are also considered MSU Staff. Students may opt-in to Office 365 and Campus Connection Protection by visiting MSU Helpdesk in Old Main 108 or placing ticket at https://www.minotstateu.edu/helpdesk

Faculty will not need to authenticate for Campus Connection, but will need to authenticate for HRMS Employee Self-Service and Office 365 applications.

Staff will need to authenticate for all Campus Solutions and Office 365 applications.

What devices are supported?

Duo MFA works with:

  • iPhone: iOS 10.0 and greater

  • Apple Watch: Requires Duo Mobile 3.8 or later

  • Android: Android 6.0 and greater

  • Windows Phone: Windows Phone 10 or greater

  • And with any cell phone or landline using the Call Me feature

How do I set up Duo Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

We have step-by-step guides to help you enroll in Duoadd a new device, and install the Duo Mobile app.

What happens if I get a Duo prompt and I’m not trying to log in?

If you receive a Duo authentication prompt (push, text, or phone call) on your device without you initiating the request, decline the Duo prompt (marking it as fraud), immediately change your MSU password, and contact the Help Desk at 858-4444. This could be an indication that your credentials have been compromised and someone is attempting to login to your account. Contact the Help Desk at 858-4444 for more information.

I cannot get Duo to push to the app on my device

  1. Ensure connection to the network
  2. Turn off wifi and use mobile data
  3. Restart the device

If one method does not work, try a different one to avoid being locked out. If none of the methods work, contact MSU Tech Support

I recently had a name change and now cannot log in

Because a username change creates a new login, you will have to re-enroll in Duo. Please contact MSU Tech Support

If you are not able to use a phone for MFA, there are various USB and keychain tokens available for purchase.

Please visit Old Main 108 or contact MSU Tech Support for the various options available.

More information is available at https://guide.duo.com/tokens


Example devices (DO NOT PURCHASE DIRECTLY - Talk to IT office as not all are compatible and they need to be programmed!):

Feitian ePass NFC FIDO U2F Security Key: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M1R5LRD

Feitian Keychain OTP: https://www.ftsafe.com/Products/OTP/Single_Button_OTP

YubiKey 5 Nano: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HBDX2CM

To update your settings for DUO Security after enrollment you may visit http://portal.ndus.edu or call IT Central at 701-858-4444

Login with your NDUS credentials and at the Duo prompt, select the Settings menu.

Access Duo Settings

After authenticating you'll see the device management portal. This is where you can enroll a new device by clicking Add another device and following the device enrollment steps, or reactivate, edit, or delete your existing devices.

If your new device is replacing the device you previously enrolled, you can remove the device you will no longer be using for authentication. Click the Device Options button next to the device you want to remove, and then click the trash can button to delete that device.

Delete a Device

2. Confirm Device Delete

You will be prompted to confirm that you want to delete the device.

Confirm Deletion

3. Device Removed

The authentication device is removed from your profile.

Device Removed

Duo MFA Challenges: Do not approve Duo challenges to logins if not currently expecting one. 

1. Select your device and authentication method

The Duo prompt at https://2fa.ndus.edu lets you choose how to verify your identity each time you log in. Select the device you want to use and then choose your authentication method.

  • *You'll also see a  Remember me for...  option. If you check this box when authenticating you will not need to re-authenticate within that time frame unless you change browsers, devices, or clear browser cache/cookies. If your browser clears cache automatically when sessions are closed, you may need to adjust browser settings to allow this option to function.

Duo Login Screen

Send Me a Push

Pushes a login request to your phone or tablet for approval. Just review the request and tap Approve to log in.

*Requires the Duo Mobile app installed and activated on an iPhone, Android, or Windows Phone device

Call Me

Authenticate via phone callback. The caller will be prompted to press 5 to approve the login. Why might Duo phone callback authentication fail to Chinese +86 numbers?

Enter a Passcode

Log in using a passcode, either generated with Duo Mobile, sent via SMS, or provided by an administrator. Click Send codes to get a new batch of passcodes texted to a mobile device.


Click into the passcode entry field and tap the token to generate and submit a passcode.

To update your settings for DUO Security after enrollment you may visit http://portal.ndus.edu or call IT Central at 701-858-4444

Login with your NDUS credentials and at the Duo prompt, select the Settings menu.

Access Duo Settings

After authenticating you'll see the device management portal. This is where you can enroll a new device by clicking Add another device and following the device enrollment steps, or reactivate, edit, or delete your existing devices.

Add a New Device Link

2. Choose your authentication method

Choose an authentication method and complete multi-factor authentication to begin adding a new device.

If you are adding a new device to replace one that you previously activated for Duo Push, don't select the Duo Push authentication method on this page unless you still have the original device. If you don't have the original device, but you have a new device with the same phone number, then you can authenticate with a phone call or SMS passcode.

You cannot add a new device from this page if you do not have access to any of your previously enrolled authentication devices; you'll need to contact your Duo administrator for help.

Authenticate to Add a Device

3. Follow the device enrollment process

Proceed with the device enrollment process as shown in the initial Enrollment Guide. As an example, let's add another phone.

Select Device Type

4. Enter your phone number

Enter and confirm the second phone number.

Enter and Confirm Phone Number

5. Select your operating system

Select the new phone's operating system.

Select Device Platform

6. Install and activate

Install Duo Mobile on the new phone and scan the barcode to activate.

Scan Barcode to Activate

7. You're all set

The new phone is added and listed with your other enrolled devices. You can click Add another device to start the enrollment process again and add another authenticator.

New Device Added

Download Spare Passcodes

From Duo login screen, select "Enter a Passcode" and then "Text me new codes". Store those passcodes in a safe place such as a backpack, wallet, or purse by. In the case of a drained or misplaced phone, you can use one of the codes to get access. Codes can only be used once so cross them out as used. 

Enroll Multiple Devices

You can enroll multiple devices on your Duo account. We recommend that you add at least one secondary device such as the phone number of a trusted friend and/or family member. 

How do I add a new device to Duo Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

Use Push

The next time you're prompted by Duo, select "Send Me a Push." You will receive a notification on your device with the Duo app installed.  All you need to do is to tap on that notification, approve it and you’re in. The Duo app must be installed for Push to work.

Remember Me

On systems that require you to log in for every instance, you can have Duo remember you for up 10 hours.  To activate this, click the check box in front of "Remember me for 10 hours" next time you're prompted by Duo.

Traveling Internationally?

Download spare passcodes.

Spare passcodes can be printed and saved for when needed.

Purchase a hardware token and enroll it before your trip.

Hardware tokens will allow you authentication without the need of your phone.

How do I get a Security Key (Yubikey)?

Update your information in Campus Connection.

Keeping your information up to date in Campus Connection will allow Tech Support to help you more efficiently if you were to call for help.

How do I change my contact information in Campus Connection?

Backup codes are available for times that you are not able to access your phone. (such as a dead battery or getting a new number)

Follow these steps to request a batch of offline codes: 

  1. When authenticating, Duo will prompt you to choose an authentication method.
    If you have more than one device enrolled, you will see a device selector - be sure to select your mobile phone.
    On this screen select Enter a Passcode.
    Select "Enter a Passcode" button

  2. A blue bar will appear on the bottom of the Duo window.
    Click on the Send codes button to have Duo text you a batch of pass codes.
    The blue bar will confirm that the codes have been sent to you.
    Select "Text me new codes"

  3. Each code is only good once. Write them down or print a screenshot and save them in a secure location such as your wallet.

  4. To authenticate using an SMS passcode, click the Enter a Passcode button, type in one of the passcodes from, and click Log In.

  5. Duo keeps track of which SMS passcodes you have already used in your batch, letting you know which one to use next.
    You can have new passcodes sent to you at any time.
    A new batch of passcodes will invalidate all old passcodes, so it is recommended that you delete the old text message when a new one comes in.

To update your settings for DUO Security after enrollment you may visit http://portal.ndus.edu or call IT Central at 701-858-4444

Login with your NDUS credentials and at the Duo prompt, select the Settings menu.

Access Duo Settings

After authenticating you'll see the device management portal. This is where you can enroll a new device by clicking Add another device and following the device enrollment steps, or reactivate, edit, or delete your existing devices.

My Settings & Devices

To exit My Settings & Devices, click the Done button below your listed devices or click your organization's logo on the left (or the Duo logo if shown).

Default Authentication Options

If you authenticate with more than one device, you can specify which you would like to be the default. Click the Default Device: drop-down menu and pick your default device for authentication. Click Save if you're done making changes.

Choose Default Device

If this is the device you'll use most often with Duo then you may want to enable automatic push requests by changing the When I log in: option and changing the setting from "Ask me to choose an authentication method" to "Automatically send this device a Duo Push" or "Automatically call this device" and click Save. With one of the automatic options enabled Duo automatically sends an authentication request via push notification to the Duo Mobile app on your smartphone or a phone call to your device (depending on your selection).

Enable Automatic Authentication

Manage Existing Devices

Click the Device Options button next to any of your enrolled devices to view the actions available for that type of device. You can Reactivate Duo Mobile for an enrolled smartphone, Change Device Name for any type of phone, or delete any authentication device.

Device Options

Reactivate Duo Mobile

Click the Reactivate Duo Mobile button if you need to get Duo Push working on your phone, for example, if you replaced your phone with a new model but kept the same phone number. After answering some questions about your device, you'll receive a new QR code to scan with your phone, which will complete the Duo Mobile activation process.

Reactivate Duo Mobile

Change Device Name

Clicking Change Device Name will open up an interface to change the display name of your phone (hardware tokens can't be renamed). Type in the new name and click Save.

Change Device Name

After successfully modifying your phone's name, not only will you see this from now on when managing devices, but it will also be how your phone is identified in the authentication dropdown.

Renamed Device

Remove Device

Click the trash can button to delete a phone or token device.

Note: You may not remove your last device. If you wish to remove it, first add another, then delete the original. If you are unable to delete a device, contact your administrator to have it removed.

Remove Device

You are given the chance to confirm or cancel deleting the authentication device.

Confirm Device Deletion

The device is deleted. It can no longer be used to approve Duo authentication requests.

Modern email applications will work with Duo enabled on Office 365 email. Please check the table below to see if your email client will work.

An updated list of supported clients available at: https://ndus.rightanswers.com/portal/app/portlets/results/viewsolution.jsp?solutionid=191023143226302&page=1&position=1&q=


Applications Supported? Extra Notes
Outlook Web Access Yes https://Mail.Office365.com
Outlook 365
(Mac and PC)
Yes This is the recommended client. Current students and benefited employees may download Office 365 ProPlus for free on up to 5 personal devices, click here to download.
Outlook 2019 Yes  
Outlook 2016 Yes  
Outlook 2013 No Will need to upgrade version or use Outlook Web Access (https://Mail.Office365.com)
Pre-Outlook 2013 No Will need to upgrade version or use Outlook Web Access (https://Mail.Office365.com)
Mac Mail on OS 10.13 (High Sierra) or earlier No Need to upgrade to a new version of macOS or use Outlook Web Access (https://Mail.Office365.com)
Mac Mail on OS 10.14 (Mojave) or later Yes There is a bug in Mac Mail that can cause your Office 365 profile to be deleted if the iCloud Keychain is enabled. Until this bug is corrected by apple you may need to disable the iCloud Keychain as a workaround.
Linux Evolution Mail Yes Or other Linux mail application that support Modern Authentication.
Configuration Information
Thunderbird No Use Outlook 2016, contact your local campus IT Help desk to download a copy of Office with Outlook or use Outlook Web Access (https://Mail.Office365.com)
Eudora No Use Outlook 2016, contact your local campus IT Help desk to download a copy of Office with Outlook or use Outlook Web Access (https://Mail.Office365.com)
Pine No Use Outlook 2016, contact your local campus IT Help desk to download a copy of Office with Outlook or use Outlook Web Access (https://Mail.Office365.com)
Other IMAP4 or POP3 No Use Outlook 2016, contact your local campus IT Help desk to download a copy of Office with Outlook or use Outlook Web Access (https://Mail.Office365.com)

Smartphone/Tablet/Mobile Device

Applications Supported? Notes
Outlook Web Access Yes https://Mail.Office365.com
Outlook Yes Available in the Apple and Android store
Mail on Android No Download Outlook for the Android app from the Android store or use Outlook Web Access (https://Mail.Office365.com)
Mail on iOS 11 or later Yes You may need to delete and re-add your mail profile to get Duo MFA to work.
Mail on iOS 10 or earlier No Upgrade to iOS 11 or later or use Outlook Web Access (https://Mail.Office365.com)
Chromebooks ? We are still testing this. Supported with Outlook Web Access (https://Mail.Office365.com)