Jan. 5, 2022
Next Issue: Feb. 2, 2022
Submissions Due: Jan. 25, 2022
Administration, second floor
Voice: 858-3298 - Fax: 858-4481

Northwest Art Center hosts first art auction

The Northwest Arts Center hosted its first art auction on Dec. 18 including a silent auction, food and drink, a raffle, and the live auction.

Greg Vettel, director of the Northwest Arts Center, was excited to share this experience with students at Minot State and the whole community of Minot.

“We had two excellent exhibitions (Book of Days & Father and Son: The Beast Within) at the Northwest Arts Center for the second part of our fall semester. We really felt they needed to have a closing celebration. Susana Amundaraín was open to our ideas of having some of her works featured from her exhibition, and that formed the seed of the auction and raffle,” Vettel said.

Vettel wanted to create an event to bring local artists to campus while also including the artists that are already connected with Minot State.

“We featured Minot State University faculty, staff, students, and have also been reaching out to alumni artists. While not exclusive, it is definitely a large portion of the work. There will be artworks by Walter Piehl, Susana Amundaraín, Art Faculty Ryan Stander, Micah Bloom, Linda Olson and Andrea Donavan, as well as pieces by Minot State University staff and students. We have been overjoyed by the response from local artists as well,” he said.

Attendees found a variety of different items to be auctioned off and a fun social event to commemorate the final exhibitions of 2021.

Minot State honors December graduates

Minot State recognized December 2021 graduates on Dec. 9 at the Northwest Arts Center, located in the lower level of the Gordon B. Olson Library.

“Graduation is always a pinnacle event for our University community,” said Kevin Harmon, vice president for student affairs. “Celebrating a successful journey by our students to a degree is really the ultimate accomplishment for all of us at Minot State. We are proud to have been a part of their success.”

The graduation celebration and recognition event featured a social and a program.

MSU Student Social Work Organization presents two checks

The Minot State Student Social Work Organization (SSWO) presented checks to Project Bee and to the Minot Men's Winter Refuge following its Freezin' for a Reason fundraiser.

SSWO donated $2,000.00 to Project Bee and $688 to the Men's Winter Refuge along with collecting 600 pounds of food that can feed approximately 100 individuals.

Memorial tribute fund
A few years ago, a fund made up of voluntary contributions was established for the purpose of sending a memorial tribute when a death occurs in the immediate family of a current University employee.  No other funds are available for this purpose and, in the past, Minot State employees have responded promptly and generously when the appeal for donations has been issued. At this time, the fund balance is nearing zero, and we are asking once again for your contributions. A $5 donation is suggested and can be sent to the President’s office. Checks can be made payable to Minot State University. Supervisors are asked to contact Deb Wentz in the President’s office at 858-3301 or via EMAIL with the pertinent information when a death occurs.

Kanopy at Minot State

Starting Dec. 22, Minot State University has access to Kanopy, a video-streaming platform that offers libraries access to a wide array of classic, indie, documentary, and educational films. Kanopy allows professors to stream films in class or integrate sections of films or playlists into assignments.

Kanopy can be accessed HERE or under K in the Gordon B. Olson Library’s alphabetical list of databases.

Note: This service is being funded through HEERF (Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds) and, therefore, funding is only guaranteed for one year. For questions about Kanopy, contact Jane la Plante, library director, by EMAIL or at (701) 858-3857.

Announcing D'ETAT: A class project in creative writing

D'ETAT 2021 is now available for download as a digital file (PDF) HERE. D'ETAT is a collection of poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction created and edited by the English 211 creative writing class at Minot State University. Samuel Stinson from the English department advised the creation of this collection. After composing their work, students from the class organized their efforts through three committees focused on selection, editing, and formatting. JoHannah Grosz oversaw the creation of the cover image for this issue and Roxi Mathis from design and print services created the layout for both the print and PDF versions of D'ETAT. Though it is a booklet, D'ETAT is inspired in part by zines and chapbooks, popular genres among creative writers.


Northwest Arts Center
The gallery is located on the lower level of the Gordon B. Olson Library, with its own entrance on the south side of the library. The arts center is open Tuesday-Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday 1-5 p.m., and by special arrangement. It is closed holidays.          

Flat Tail Press
Flat Tail Press is an educational printmaking studio at Minot State University. The gallery is located in the landing space on second and third floor of the Minot State Student Center, west entrance. It is open Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-12 a.m.

  • Living the Dream: Lithographs by Michael Barnes: Specializing in stone lithography, Michael Barnes is internationally recognized as a skilled and prolific printmaker. "My work addresses, in part, mortality, philosophical questions of existence, and the destructive nature and absurdities that so readily prevail for humankind," he said. "The images are concerned with the environment, social decay, and cynicism about the historical evolution of so-called 'civilization' and its effects upon our world." His works will be available to view through Feb. 28. 

Hartnett Hall Gallery
The gallery provides exhibition space for students, faculty, and community artists, and is located on the second floor on the west side of Hartnett Hall in Room 233. The Hartnett Hall Gallery is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays.


Robert Kibler, world languages and cultural studies, was appointed to a three-year term as a commissioner on the Minot Planning Commission. Kibler is also a supervisor on the Eureka Township Board and a commissioner on the Ward County Planning Commission

The following articles were published this past year by Terry Eckmann, teacher education and kinesiology; Heather Golly, teacher education and kinesiology; Warren Gamas, teacher education and kinesiology; and Lesley Magnus, communication sciences and disorders:

  • Eckmann, Golly, Gamas, and Magnus (2021) A 10 Week Study to Determine the Effects of Live Vs Virtual Deliver of Transitions Programs on Fitness Related Components. World Journal of Yoga, Physical Therapy, and Rehabilitation DOI:10.3352/WJYPR.2021.03.000557, available HERE.
  • Eckmann, Golly, Gamas, and Magnus (2021) A 10 Week Study to Determine the Effects of Live Vs Virtual Deliver of Transitions Programs on Body Image. Online Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine DOI: 10.33552/OJCAM.2021.06.000644, available HERE.

The following article was written by Eckmann, Golly, and Vicki Michels, Department of Addiction Studies, Psychology, and Social Work:

  • Eckmann, Golly, and Michels (2021) Benefits of Les Mills BODYPUMP® vs YogaFit® Training on Sedentary Adults Age 50 to 7. World Journal of Yoga, Physical Therapy, and Rehabilitation DOI: 10.33552/WJYPR.2021.02.000544, available HERE

Holiday Decorating winners
Minot State Staff Senate held its annual Holiday Decorating Contest with judging finalized today. See Minot State’s FACEBOOK page for a video featuring the displays. Please congratulate the below winners!

  • Creativity: Nursing, Honors/IS/Leadership, ASC/Power
  • Theme: Honors/IS/Leadership, Nursing, ASC/Power
  • Originality: Honors/IS/Leadership, Enrollment Services, Nursing
  • Overall Impression: ASC/Power, Nursing, Honors/IS/Leadership
  • Total Score (Champion): Honors/IS/Leadership, Nursing, ASC/POWER
  • Door Decorating Results: VPAA, Business Office, Business Office 2, NDCPD

Alexis Leier, was selected as the ASC Student of the Month for November. She has contributed to the Academic Support Center’s programs as a supplemental instruction leader and tutor.

Lauren Reeves, professional communication, gave her senior presentation.

Emily Steenstrup, English education major, presented her Honors Program Portfolio

Achille Tenekeu Djauken, chemistry major, presented his Honors Program Thesis, “The State of Political Radicalization at Minot State University.”

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Minot State University mission
Minot State University is a public university dedicated to excellence in education, scholarship, and community engagement achieved through rigorous academic experiences, active learning environments, commitment to public service, and a vibrant campus life.