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Knowledgebase: DUO MultiFactor
How do I update my phone number or default setting for DUO Security?
Posted by Darren Olson, Last modified by Darren Olson on 11 March 2024 07:57 AM

To update your settings for DUO Security after enrollment you may visit http://portal.ndus.edu or call IT Central at 701-858-4444

Login with your NDUS credentials and at the Duo prompt, select the Settings menu.

Access Duo Settings

After authenticating you'll see the device management portal. This is where you can enroll a new device by clicking Add another device and following the device enrollment steps, or reactivate, edit, or delete your existing devices.

My Settings & Devices

To exit My Settings & Devices, click the Done button below your listed devices or click your organization's logo on the left (or the Duo logo if shown).

Default Authentication Options

If you authenticate with more than one device, you can specify which you would like to be the default. Click the Default Device: drop-down menu and pick your default device for authentication. Click Save if you're done making changes.

Choose Default Device

If this is the device you'll use most often with Duo then you may want to enable automatic push requests by changing the When I log in: option and changing the setting from "Ask me to choose an authentication method" to "Automatically send this device a Duo Push" or "Automatically call this device" and click Save. With one of the automatic options enabled Duo automatically sends an authentication request via push notification to the Duo Mobile app on your smartphone or a phone call to your device (depending on your selection).

Enable Automatic Authentication

Manage Existing Devices

Click the Device Options button next to any of your enrolled devices to view the actions available for that type of device. You can Reactivate Duo Mobile for an enrolled smartphone, Change Device Name for any type of phone, or delete any authentication device.

Device Options

Reactivate Duo Mobile

Click the Reactivate Duo Mobile button if you need to get Duo Push working on your phone, for example, if you replaced your phone with a new model but kept the same phone number. After answering some questions about your device, you'll receive a new QR code to scan with your phone, which will complete the Duo Mobile activation process.

Reactivate Duo Mobile

Change Device Name

Clicking Change Device Name will open up an interface to change the display name of your phone (hardware tokens can't be renamed). Type in the new name and click Save.

Change Device Name

After successfully modifying your phone's name, not only will you see this from now on when managing devices, but it will also be how your phone is identified in the authentication dropdown.

Renamed Device

Remove Device

Click the trash can button to delete a phone or token device.

Note: You may not remove your last device. If you wish to remove it, first add another, then delete the original. If you are unable to delete a device, contact your administrator to have it removed.

Remove Device

You are given the chance to confirm or cancel deleting the authentication device.

Confirm Device Deletion

The device is deleted. It can no longer be used to approve Duo authentication requests.

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