Dr. Chad Williamson, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Office: Cyril Moore 221
Email: chad.williamson@minotstateu.edu
Phone: 701-858-3116

Dr. Chad Williamson, Assistant Professor (BA, MS, Ball State University; PhD, Michigan State University), has been at MSU since 2021. Dr. Williamson is a wildlife ecologist that studies wildlife-habitat relationships, human-wildlife interactions, and the spatial ecology of mammals. To date, much of his research has focused on elk responses to habitat suitability and trail-based recreational use in Michigan, and the survival and space-use of white-tailed deer fawns across and urban-rural gradient in southern Indiana.

Courses taught:

  • BIOL 301 – Evolution
  • BIOL 330 – Biogeography
  • BIOL 338 – Animal Behavior
  • BIOL 347 – Ecology
  • BIOL 430 – Human Dimensions of Wildlife Management
  • BIOL 431 – Wildlife Management and Conservation
  • BIOL 462 – Ornithology
  • BIOL 464 – Mammalogy


Williamson, C. R., H. Campa, A. B. Locher, S. R. Winterstein, and D. E. Beyer. 2021. Applications of Integrating Wildlife Habitat Suitability and Habitat Potential Models. Wildlife Society Bulletin 45:70–84.

Stewart, C. M., B. Keller, and C. R. Williamson. 2013. Keys to managing a successful archery deer hunt in an urban community: A case study. Human-Wildlife Interactions 7:132–139.